In most traditions Cosmos, as an ordered space of life, appears in the form of a ball, in the projection it is depicted in the form of a circle. This is a Gothic rose, and the nimbuses of Christian saints - the symbol of the soul and the spiritual world. The idea of a cyclic time as well, or a snake biting its tail, is the essence of processes that do not have beginning and end. In the Tibetan mandala, the outer circle symbolizes the integrity of the universe, and the square inserted in it is the space of the inhabited world, while the circle inside the square is represented as the sacred object of veneration of a personal psyche - all the sequense is conceptualized in a Yantra. In the Western tradition, the idea of the synthesis of these geometric figures is embodied in the notion of quadrature of a circle. In Zen Buddhism, where there is no concept of God, the circle becomes a symbol of enlightenment.